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14k Gold Price Skyrockets After Fresh U.S. Data Spurs Fed Cut Expectations

The 14k gold price today has skyrocketed to new highs in 2024, with the precious metal reaching an average closing price of $2,062.92 per ounce in 2023. As of April 01, 2024, the current gold price stands at $2,247.39 per ounce, a significant increase from the beginning of the year when it was $2,071.80.

Experts predict that the price of gold, including gold bars, gold coins, and gold jewelry, will continue to rise throughout 2024 and beyond, potentially reaching $2,517 per ounce by the end of the year, representing a 21% increase from the start of 2024. This surge in gold prices is attributed to fresh U.S. economic data that has spurred expectations of a Federal Reserve rate cut, as well as ongoing global geopolitical tensions.

Analysis of Recent U.S. Economic Data

Recent U.S. economic data has exceeded expectations, with real GDP growth in 2023 projected at 2.6%, surpassing earlier predictions of negative growth. The economy has shown remarkable resilience, as evidenced by:

  1. Strong job growth: Monthly nonfarm payrolls grew by 232,000 on average, adding 14.1 million jobs since President Biden took office through November 2023. The unemployment rate has stayed below 4% for 22 straight months, a record not seen in over 50 years.
  2. Declining inflation: Inflation decelerated throughout 2023, with a retreat in food, energy, and goods inflation. As a result, real wages began to grow as workers received robust nominal wage gains.
  3. Improved labor force participation: The highest rate of prime-age women participating in the labor force was recorded since 1948. Additionally, the smallest gap on record between the employment rates for Black versus white American workers was achieved, averaging -0.7%.
  4. Positive consumer sentiment: Consumer sentiment improved in 2023, with more respondents reporting improved sentiment over the period versus a decline in sentiment. This is further supported by strong consumer spending in both goods and services, which beat expectations in November and December

Despite the strong start to 2024, headwinds such as rising consumer debt and elevated interest rates are expected to weigh on economic growth 9. The Conference Board no longer forecasts a recession in 2024, but consumer spending growth is expected to cool, leading to overall GDP growth slowing to under 1% over Q2 and Q3 2024 10. However, inflation and interest rates are expected to normalize in 2025, with quarterly annualized GDP growth converging toward near 2 percent.

Other notable economic indicators include:

  • Real consumer spending consistently exceeding expectations
  • Housing prices expected to rise faster than inflation through the forecast period
  • The federal deficit projected to slowly rise relative to GDP over the forecast horizon 15
  • Real gross domestic product (GDP) increasing at an annual rate of 3.3% in Q4 2023 16
  • Retail sales, excluding auto and gas, increasing by 4.9% in 2023 19
  • Inflation-adjusted, or real, disposable personal income rising 4.2% in 2023 20
  • The personal saving rate rising to 4.5% in 2023 [21]
  • Real GDP increasing 3.1% from Q4 2022 to Q4 2023 [22]
  • Manufacturing construction spending making the largest contribution to GDP ever driven by the building of houses and factories [23]

Impact of U.S. Federal Reserve Rate Cut Expectations on Gold Prices

The U.S. Federal Reserve’s interest rate decisions and expectations have a significant impact on gold prices. Fed interest rate cuts and falling U.S. real yields will likely drive gold prices in 2024 6. Gold prices often benefit from lower interest rates because it reduces the opportunity cost of holding non-yielding assets, and historically, gold prices have tended to rise during periods of falling interest rates 7. The anticipation of Fed rate cuts can bolster investor confidence in gold, leading to increased demand and positive market sentiment towards the precious metal as investors seek safe-haven assets 7.

Lower interest rates can signal a slowing economy, which may increase gold’s appeal as a safe-haven asset 7. Gold prices might also be influenced by inflation expectations, as the yellow metal is often seen as a hedge against inflation 7. However, the price of gold is ultimately not a function of interest rates but rather supply and demand in the long run 8. Interestingly, rising interest rates may be bullish for gold prices, simply because they are typically bearish for stocks 8.

Analysts have revised their expected gold price to average $1,950 per ounce in 2023 due to the banking turmoil in March 2023, elevated interest rates, and ambiguity concerning the debt ceiling 5. If the Federal Reserve opts for earlier rate cuts, the Bank of America has predicted that gold could culminate the year at an impressive $2,400 per ounce 10. Factors contributing to this prediction include 2:

  • Robust safe-haven buying due to geopolitical concerns
  • A modestly weakened U.S. dollar
  • Anticipated investment flows into gold
  • A global growth slowdown
  • Further weakening of the dollar
  • A 50% probability of a shallow recession in the U.S., potentially prompting rate cuts by the Fed

Anticipating declining yields, gold prices are predicted to rise further 2.

Global Geopolitical Tensions and Their Influence on Gold Prices

Geopolitical risks and bond yields have significantly impacted gold prices 11. Escalating tensions in West Asia and ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflicts have raised concerns over the global growth outlook, with the World Bank forecasting the weakest half-decade performance in 30 years 9. These geopolitical risks continue to bubble in the Middle East, adding to near-term inflationary risks 11.

Recent events contributing to the surge in gold prices include:

  1. Unsettled negotiations over the US debt ceiling and turbulence within the banking sector 5.
  2. Persistent inflation fueling gold’s popularity and price surge 2.
  3. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, causing gold to gain more than 3% in a recent week 12.

Gold is often seen as a crisis hedge due to its lack of credit risk and negative correlation to risk assets 12. A study by Johan Palmberg, Senior Quantitative Analyst at the World Gold Council, found that geopolitical tensions can influence gold returns, even when accounting for changes in other factors 12. The Geopolitical Risk (GPR) index by Matteo Iacoviello quantifies geopolitical risk and has a reliable track record of reflecting observed impacts on underlying economic variables at a global level 12. When added to the Gold Return Attribution Model (GRAM), the GPR index adds to the model’s explanatory power, indicating that gold responds to elevated geopolitical risk 12.

  • An increase in the GPR index by 100 units, holding all else constant, has a c.2.5% positive impact on gold’s return 12.
  • Gold’s reaction to GPR index spikes has been short-lived in recent times, but the follow-through from a spike to other variables and sentiment can potentially last longer 12.
  • There is also a slight medium-term risk for gold from a rise in tensions, via higher inflation for example, which could potentially delay a gold-friendly monetary pivot by the Fed and other central banks 12.

Gold prices reached a record high in March 2024 due to geopolitical tensions and investor jitters, with the spot price hitting $2,141.59 (approximately £1,685) per ounce, surpassing its previous record of $2,135 13. Geopolitical tensions are now “priced in” to the current gold price 13. Gold demand hit record highs in 2023 due to geopolitical tensions and weakness in the Chinese economy, with total gold demand reaching 4,899 tons compared to 4,741 tons in 2022 14.

Key Factors Driving Gold Demand in 2023Impact
Central bank gold purchasesExceeded 1,000 tons for two consecutive years 14
People’s Bank of ChinaBiggest buyer of gold at 225 tons 14
China’s real estate crisis and economic slowdownPushed more investors toward gold 14
China’s investments in gold bars and coinsRose 28% from 2022, reaching 280 tons 14
China’s gold jewelry purchasesDethroned India as the world’s largest gold jewelry buyer with 603 tons purchased 14

Geopolitical tensions continue to support gold prices, with gold trading above $2,000/oz amid ongoing tensions in Ukraine and the Middle East 15. Prices hit an all-time high of $2,077.49/oz on 27 December 2023 15. Central bank demand maintained its momentum in the fourth quarter of 2023, with a further 229 tonnes added to global official gold reserves, lifting annual net demand to 1,037 tonnes, just short of the record set in 2022 15. Central banks’ healthy appetite for gold is driven by concerns about Russian-style sanctions on their foreign assets 15.

The market share of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency has fallen from 66% in 2003 to 58.4% at the end of the fourth quarter of 2023 16. Armed conflict in the Middle East, specifically between Israel and Palestine, caused the price of gold to rise by more than 10% 16. Possible ramifications if other countries in the region and the West became involved in the Middle East conflict drove up the price of gold 16. US threats against Iran, accusing it of supporting Syria, Yemen, and Palestine, are a clear attempt to widen the current conflict, which would have ramifications for the global economy, financial markets, and the value of gold 16.

Market Response and Future Outlook for Gold

The market response to the recent surge in gold prices has been significant, with investors pouring about $1.5 billion in net inflows into the SPDR Gold Trust (GLD) in November 2023 18. Gold spot price as of the last update was USD 2,230.82 per ounce, with the precious metal increasing by 5.4% in USD in H1 2023, outperforming all other major assets apart from developed market stocks 19. Factors contributing to gold’s performance in H1 2023 include a relatively stable US dollar and interest rates, event risk hedging, and continued central bank demand 19.

Looking ahead, the future outlook for gold remains bullish:

  • Goldman Sachs Research forecasts that gold prices will rise approximately 6% in the next 12 months, reaching $2,175 per troy ounce 17.
  • UBS Global Wealth Management chief investment officer Mark Haefele wrote in a note to clients that the price of gold could rise to $2,200 per ounce by March 2024 18.
  • ANZ Research projected gold to be trading at around $2,100 by the close of 2023, accelerating to $2,200 by September 2024 5.
  • The WisdomTree forecasts model shows gold reaching US$2082/oz by Q4 2023 in the consensus scenario, piercing through previous all-time nominal highs 20.
  • Gold prices are expected to dip in the near term before climbing to new highs later in the year, with a forecasted peak of $2,300/oz in 2025 6.

Several factors are expected to bolster gold prices in the coming months and years:

  1. The US presidential election in November 2024 and potential political uncertainties could further support gold prices 10.
  2. Potential inflationary pressure from expansive fiscal policies and continued government and industrial demand suggest gold prices will rise in 2024 2.
  3. Gold serves as a hedge against economic risks and fear, offering a unique diversification quality to investor portfolios 10.
  4. Many analysts believe the last few years have seen gold consolidating before a potential upward move 2.
  5. Hedge fund investor Paul Tudor Jones recommended that gold (as well as Bitcoin) should constitute a larger portion of portfolios 10.


The 14k gold price has experienced a significant surge, reaching new highs in 2024 due to fresh U.S. economic data, expectations of a Federal Reserve rate cut, and ongoing global geopolitical tensions. Despite the strong economic start to the year, headwinds such as rising consumer debt and elevated interest rates are expected to weigh on growth, although a recession is no longer forecasted for 2024. The anticipation of Fed rate cuts and the appeal of gold as a safe-haven asset during times of uncertainty have contributed to the bullish sentiment in the gold market.

As geopolitical risks persist and central banks continue to demonstrate a healthy appetite for gold, the future outlook for the precious metal remains optimistic. Analysts predict that gold prices will continue to rise throughout 2024 and beyond, with some forecasting prices reaching as high as $2,300 per ounce by 2025. Investors seeking to diversify their portfolios and hedge against economic risks may find gold an attractive option in the current market environment.


What are the Federal Reserve’s gold price predictions for the coming years? The Federal Reserve’s predictions for gold prices have been revised upwards, with expectations that the fourth quarter of 2024 will see gold averaging at $2,150 per ounce. The average for the year 2024 is anticipated to be $2,084 per ounce, assuming that the Fed will initiate rate cuts in June and that the dollar will experience a weakening.

How might gold prices change in the near future? Experts suggest that gold prices could reach as high as $2,350 per ounce by the end of September 2024 if the U.S. Federal Reserve decides to lower interest rates in the upcoming Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting, which is scheduled from April 30 to May 1, 2024. The consensus is that gold will continue on an upward trend in the next financial year.

Do higher interest rates negatively impact the price of gold? Traditionally, gold prices and interest rates share a negative correlation. While it is not a strict rule, the pattern typically observed is that gold prices increase when interest rates decrease, and conversely, gold prices decrease when interest rates rise.

Is there an expectation for gold prices to decrease in the near future? Current trends do not suggest a decrease in gold prices soon. In early 2024, gold is trading above $2,000 per ounce, and analysts predict that prices may continue to stay above this threshold later in the year, potentially reaching new historical highs. Factors contributing to this outlook include geopolitical instability, the potential weakening of the U.S. dollar, and the possibility of interest rate reductions.


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